Cambridge Muslim College is pleased to announce two new Research Fellowships in Science and Religion. These positions are for one year and are aimed at scientists who wish to take a year’s worth of leave from their career to focus on developing their understanding of Islamic theology. Applicants should propose a research project on a specific topic for the year. […]

Cambridge Muslim College is pleased to announce the new Irshad Akhtar Memorial Scholarship, set up by the Ahmed family in Manchester in honour of their mother. The scholarship, worth £5000 per annum, which takes effect in September 2016, will be awarded to our Diploma or BA students each year based on financial needs and merit. Financial worries can prevent excellent […]

Applications Open for CMC Diploma

We are pleased to announce that the applications process for our Diploma in Contextual Islamic Studies and Leadership is now open.  The application form and other details can be found here, and the closing date is 11 May 2016. For any enquiries about the Diploma, contact Dr Atif Imtiaz on