Cambridge Muslim College now offers Online Courses that you can take at your own pace and in your own space.

An Introduction to the Meanings of Prayer with Dr. Samir Mahmoud covers the various aspects and mysteries of the ritual prayer and how they relate to contemporary life.

Structured as a series of eight sessions, the course looks at key terms and phrases including presence, the heart and their centrality in the ritual prayer. It covers the meaning of salat and the prayers of humans as well as the prayers of angels and creatures. Exploring the significance of intentions is followed by looking at the importance of purification of the body as well as the heart. The start of the ritual prayer is then understood through it’s movements, the the role of the body, eye, hands and feet as well as the the inner significance of these movements. The course then moves on to the importance of recitation of the Divine word before concluding with a session on the fundamental nature of witnessing God and the crucial role of imagination in prayer.

Following the sessions there are eight thematic meditations and reflections on the implications of prayer for our day to day life covering issues and topics ranging from creativity, art and imagination to our relationship to nature, time and more.

Visit cambridgemuslimcollege.teachable.com for more information.